Samurai Gold Raw Triploid Pacifica Oysters in Shell (Sakoshi, Hyogo)


個数: 10個

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Samurai Gold

Each oysters is grown with love and care in wave baskets which shape the shell and create a deeper richer flesh.
This product is good raw, grilled or steamed.
(20 shells usually good for 2 to 3 people)

What’s the difference between regular oysters and triploid oysters?

Pacifica oysters are a type of oyster commonly found on the West Coast of the United States. Triploid Pacifica oysters are genetically engineered oysters that have three sets of chromosomes instead of the typical two sets found in regular Pacifica oysters.

The main difference between triploid and regular Pacifica oysters is their ability to reproduce. Regular Pacifica oysters reproduce by spawning, while triploid Pacifica oysters are sterile and cannot reproduce. This means that triploid Pacifica oysters can be grown year-round and are often larger in size and have a more consistent meat-to-shell ratio.

 Another benefit of triploid Pacifica oysters is that since they do not expend energy on reproduction, they can use their resources to grow faster and stronger, resulting in a healthier and meatier oyster.

In terms of farming practices, traditional Japanese oyster farming involves suspending oysters on ropes or nets in the ocean, allowing them to feed on naturally occurring plankton. However, triploid Pacifica oysters are typically grown in plastic baskets that protect the oysters from predators and help shape them into a consistent size and shape.

The plastic baskets are placed in estuaries where the oysters can feed on a mixture of plankton and algae, creating a nutrient-rich environment for them to grow. This method of oyster farming allows for greater control over the oysters' growth, resulting in more consistent quality and size.

Both types have a briny flavor with a slightly sweet finish and a firm, meaty texture.

Overall, the main difference between triploid and regular Pacifica oysters is their ability to reproduce, which affects their growth rate and size.